

We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength” (President Donald Trump). Immigration, while heavily focused on during the last election, has been and will continue to be one of the most debated issues of all humankind. For thousands of years, Immigration has been responsible for creating separate languages, cultures, and worldviews. Unfortunately, those against immigration have prevented positive collaboration as a result, limited scientific and technological progress. Despite thousands of years of progress, Immigration remains one of the most debated political topics.

 Controversy regarding immigration can cause political chaos and tear apart families, but bridges allow for people to integrate and economies to prosper. The first step to solving our immigration issue is the problem of borders. America and countries all over the world need to find a solution to the borders that separate us to promote positive immigration and globalization. When borders are more easily transversed, the increase in immigration and free trade will allow America’s economy to flourish like never before seen. 

Over the course of the last year, the current administration has taken many actions against immigration and all of the benefits of it have as a result suffered. Such programs like DACA have been jeopardized and a travel ban has been reinstated multiple times. We as the people of America need to stand up to this injustice help show others all of the positive things immigration brings about. Hopefully this website will help you do just that.